Safe as houses: the market impact of safety syringes in hospital and home drug administration
European Pharmaceutical Review
European Pharmaceutical Review provides up-to-the-minute information on all aspects of drug analysis, formulation, delivery, manufacturing and regulation. Providing the industry with cutting-edge facts and analysis for two decades, it delivers insights into current and emerging technologies and contributions from recognised figures in the life science community. European Pharmaceutical Review is regularly distributed to senior managers and key decision-makers in the pharmaceutical, life sciences and drug discovery industries predominantly across Europe, but also in the US.
As the demand for safety-syringes increases, the market for pre-filled safety-engineered devices is also increasing. This article outlines the main drivers behind this growth which is often a consequence of ageing populations affected with chronic diseases like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, which typically require regular subcutaneous injection. One measure being taken to tackle these issues is the drive towards self-administration of drugs. Carers are also considered with these people increasingly performing injections at home or relying on visiting nurses to deliver treatment.